Today I'm linking up my first-ever Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans post! Woohoo!
I had the pleasure of meeting some of the Shrinking Jeans girls at Fitbloggin. I had lurked at the site before, and tweeted once or twice, so I knew they were my kind of people. But, I never really had the time to participate actively. After meeting them in person - and seeing how much they rocked - I decided I would make some time. Because these ladies (even with out having known them more than I know my mailman) are like that old friend you have. You know the one - she can move away and not talk to you for a year, then move back and pick right back up as if it hadn't been a day? Yeah, that's them. They take you any way you are - and when ever you have the time. Even if you're like me, and only do a drive-by comment every once in a blue moon.
That's because they are awesome-sauce.
And also? They aren't afraid to tell you to get your butt up off the couch and get your arse in gear. Except, they'll say it with a few more expletives and with the threat of hunting you down.
In the most loving way possible, that is.
All this is to say, I'm joining in on their current challenge. This 3-week challenge is to pick some habits and incorporate them into your daily routine in order to help you reach your healthy goals. Mine are:
- Workout (almost) daily. See my last post, "I'd rather kick it up" to see the exact workout regiment I'm trying and to see my weigh-in. *cough*208*cough* (But, somehow I stepped on the scale and it said 205.4 this morning, so lets take that tiny shiny miracle and roll with it.)
- Eat vegetarian. My husband challenged me to go veg, so we just started that on Monday. It is my first ever foray into abandoning beef (I freaked a little) but it's going well so far. No really, it is.
- Drink water. This will probably be my hardest goal. Not that I have anything against good old H20, but I just never think to drink until I'm already thirsty, or worse. So, do me a favor and tweet me to chug, if you can. Please and thank you!
- Take a multivitamin. I am a total medicine/vitamin slacker. The only vitamins I even have in the house expired in 2009. Guess I'll get some new ones soon. Promise.
That about sums it up for me - what healthy habits do you want to create?