Alright, if I haven't gotten this across to you yet - I really, really suggest you go try out LA Boxing. The first class is free to try, so you have nothing to loose. I'm not just saying this because I was lucky enough to fall into this sweet gig of putting LA Boxing "To The Test." I'm saying it because it's different, fun, effective. Heck, I am already conniving and planning so that I can continue attending classes once my three months are up.
It's that awesome.
Since I'm feeling less like a newbie there, I thought I'd share some pointers for you to use once you go to take your first class:
- Be prepared to sweat. And not just that "hey, I just half-assed it on the treadmill" kind of sweat. More like, "I didn't know that body part even knew had to produce sweat" kind of sweat.
- Come early. You're going to need to get gloves and get your hands wrapped. Plus, you'll want to either A) Find a heavy bag near where the instructor shows combinations or B) Find a heavy bag in a corner so that you can make a futile attempt to hide.
- Bring water. I go through a whole bottle and a half during the class. Sweat makes you wish you were a camel.
- Don't be scared. If I can do it, you can do it. Only, you won't look like you're about to die.
- Take a friend. She'll hold you're hair while you are throwing up. You don't really need to do this (by any means) but, she'll tell you that your side kicks are money, even if you look like an idiot. See, here's my friend, Meghan, who tells me I'm doing awesome, even when I'm looking a little green.
- Stash a snack in your car. I have a decently long car ride back home, and if I didn't bring a banana to calm the shakes, I think I would have already crashed the car into the neighboring pizza store.
- It's okay to talk to your neighbor. Even if they can't tell you whether the combo is jab-jab-hook or jab-hook-jab, they can at least share that knowing "wow, this is the best/hardest workout ever" look with you.
- Thank your instructor. It's a nice thing to do, so just do it. (Plus, maybe if you do, you won't get called out on skipping that last sit up. But don't count on it.)
Now, go take a class. Did I miss anything? Report back to me and let me know what you thought. Ask any questions you may have in the comments below - or let me know when you want to meet up, so that we can sweat together.
. . . Mandy
Disclosure: As a participant of #Fitbloggin' 10, I was offered (by LA Boxing) three months free membership, free personal training, and merchandise - all in exchange for blogging my *honest* opinions once a week.