Today you get a "Five Things" post and an LA Boxing post, all wrapped up in one. (Five Things is a meme created by Trayce, in which I simply tell you 5 things about me.)
Ohhh, LA Boxing, how I love you, let me count the ways...
1. You provide an hour of "me" time, at least three times a week. Yes, I count sweating buckets as "me" time these days - a girl takes what she can get.
2. I have gotten the first "Hey! You are looking thinner!" compliments (from anyone in my family other than my awesome Mother-In-Law) since possibly before I had my last kid.
3. I can lift my 8-year-old over the railing and into her loft bed while she is sleeping with out the fear of giving her a concussion on one of the posts.
4. Apparently I have arm muscles, and the tiniest hint of ab muscles - who knew!
5. You have showed me that I can keep going. I can hold that plank, I can keep hitting that bag, and I can do one more rep. That is worth more than I can say.
Happy Friday, ya'll! Now, either join us and blog your own "Five Things" or go hit the gym! I'll let you choose.