affiliate links- amazon
ad networks real girls media
site sponsorship –
paid posts
brand spokesperson
brand ambassador
direct/private ad
create content
create a new campaign idea
What are your goals?
Your monetizing strategy needs to be tied in to your long term goal
write a book
sell product
become column
prof blog
become authority
What makes you marketable?
Being actively involved in comm
be accessible – are you a biz or not
know your stats and have media kit
Pick 5 people to measure to see if they are still interested. Need to keep adding, b/c you keep losing.
ROA return on relationship – evaluate the audience connection, that is more important than numbers. Must engage and interact – listen to feedback and make change based on that feedback. Do what they suggest.
What's the traffic – do readers comment, come back? Do they care? It's about relationships. Can you energize your community – move them to action? Even if there is not a lot, they are moving, that is good.
Need to include phone and address for marketing in biz card. Need site stats, info – what is your passion? If you don't include the contact info, then its too hard for them to contact you.
Breaking It Down, 4 categorizes according to Technorati:
Hobbyists – 72% of blog for fun and self expression
part timers 15% blog to supplement their income
Self employed 9% blog full-time for your own corp or biz
Corporate 4% blog for their company
Ad Network ex says:
$2 CPM (per 1000 impressions)
100,000 page views with 2 ads per page = 200,000 impressions
(av 50 cents to 5$ a month)
big brands are coming to ad networks – and they make us look more professional too.
CPM for direct ad is lower – you can sell more, though, if you want (1$)
How much are bloggers making?
85% of hobbyists have less than 25,000 page views or 10,000 uniques
Only 1% have over 50,000 uv
68% of part timers have less than 25,000 page views or 10,000 uv
only 3 % have over 50,000 uv
average income for part-timers $14,000 from ad rev
Av across all bloggers is $42,000
Be honest with your stats. Transparent. (page views and unique visitors is the info you want. You don't want hits.)
Ads are not the only way to make money! They won't be your bread and butter.
Do use tools:
google analytics - traffic
QuantCast – compare stats
Check Alexa – rating
Compete – panel rating
Monitor your Page rank (
Brand ambassador (linked w/ co – program/campaign – sometimes paid, sometimes just get review products) vs. brand advocates (unpaid) brands sponsor (sponsoring your content, direct relationship to speak for the company.)
Be Proactive
Pitch yourself to co that fit your niche
know the difference between PR and advertising
pr folks usually don't have a budget they are in the biz of “earned” media through giveaways and reviews
ad agencies have money for creative campaigns
Mock display ads, mock vid ads, survey for stats, pitch
OpenSky – You suggest merchandise to your followers, OpenSky handles product/customer service, then split profit 50-50.
Action items:
evaluate your goals – and if your audience will like the ad/ ad format
start running analytics if you're not
create a media kit
start following people who can help you
Identify brands you'd like to connect with
Don't forget to disclose.
You can reject certain ads from google ad sense.
Create a fan page for facebook, aside from your regular account.
Just starting out, don't know who to contact, or what to do? Pitch ideas - don't be afraid to say no. Join Mom Central, or other similar networks. Ask friends for connections. Attend events to get PR info.
You can reject certain ads from google ad sense.
Create a fan page for facebook, aside from your regular account.
Just starting out, don't know who to contact, or what to do? Pitch ideas - don't be afraid to say no. Join Mom Central, or other similar networks. Ask friends for connections. Attend events to get PR info.

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