(slides can be found at: http://jimdoran.net/joy/wordpress/fitbloggin-10 )
"The road to hell is paved with NON-intentions."
Blogging Landscape
- Blogger
- TypePad
- LiveJournal
- Tumblr
- Wordpress.com
- Easy to set up
- 17th most popular webssite according to Alexa
- Sub domain of wordpress.com, ie http://jimdoran.wordpress.com - jimdoran is the subdomain
- They offer 82 themes - more than blogger
- Upgrades - pay to... get rid of adds, custom css, etc. $239.82 to buy all of them
- WordPress is open source software
- Akismet - catches spam before it get to your blog.
- Big Names are listed at wordpress.com: CNN, New York Tims, CIA etc
Register you kids names as domains for the future! Post their art work for now.
Put your brand on your own server - stop putting content on other sites! Build your own brand on your own site.
Wordpress self hosted:
- Can bring your blog over, from multiple sources too, ie - blogger and posterous, etc,
- Hosting - recommended via WordPress.org GoDaddy, Bluehost, Dreamhost, etc.
- Can install as many blogs as you want to.
- Unlimited bandwidth
- Wordpress is like playdough and no two themes are the same
- Themes and plug-ins make endless possibilities
- 1100+ free themes
- Premium themes you must pay for.
- Plugins
- 8700+ plugins available
- Favorites:
- All-In-One-SEO pack
- Akismet (spam filter)
- WP-Commerce (if your are selling anything - intergrate with paypal, etc.)
- WP Super Cache (keeps your live if innundated with traffic)
- BuddyPress (social network for your website)
- PollDaddy
- Google Analytics
- PODS CMS (build a website on your blog - posts AND pages)
- bbPress
- Some plugins are maintained - may need to go back and fix it later.
- Plugins use code, theme's use code – some clash so be careful - don't use too many
- You can't install plugins in dot.com
- Other features:
- Automatic Upgrades
- Community support via Codex, Hackers List and IRC
- WordCamps - self organized community events with user info and tech info
- Semantic Code (SEO, find-ability, accessibility)
- Taxonomy - categories and tags (use different names for each, ie: Recipe tag, Recipes category)
- Non-destructive
- Change permalink directly
- Past from MS word and remove goofy formating
- Word Count
- Paste pain text
- Enhancements coming in June to Wordpress
"... pessimism robs ordinary people of their powers." ~Colin Wilson

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